During the pandemic, I was basically stuck within walking distance of my apartment in Queens for months. Once I got vaccinated and felt comfortable riding the subway again, I started going back into the city. 
I'd never gone that long without going to Manhattan -- I'd been commuting five days a week for over 15 years -- so it was definitely surreal to emerge from the 7 train into Grand Central and see that everything was, in fact, still there. 
The city looked the same yet felt strangely new. I found myself drawn to the amazing old buildings and stubborn little architectural holdouts that dot the city and started working on this series. 
New York was badly hit during the early days of COVID, so there was something so comforting in seeing these buildings that had survived previous periods of disruption. These buildings were powerful visual reminders of the resilience and grit of previous generations of New Yorkers. 
Gramercy Ale House

the hangover

Upper East Side, Manhattan, holdout building

driving a wedge between us

Carriage House, Murray Hill

little red riding hood

Broadway, New York

broadway belles


still here

Bowery restaurant supply

taking a seat

34th Street, NYC

holy crepe

Times Square peep show

one more peep

New York bagels

bagels & locks

Fifth Avenue, New York

luck of the irish

Fifth Avenue, New York

taking the fifth

Avalon Chemists, second avenue, New York

zero chemistry

Cohen Optical, Bloomingdale's

from head to toe

Murray Hill liquor store, NYC

holding your liquor

42nd St, Grand Central


Bowery New York, new construction

on the bowery

Bowery Restaurant Supply, New York

give it a rest

Canal Plastics Center, Canal Street, NYC


34th Street, Art Deco storefront, NYC

experience ny now

Chris French Cleaners, Astor Place

taken to the cleaners

Sixth Avenue, Manhattan, candy store

when the novelty wears off


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